Crucible (2019)
Collaboration with Naomi Bembridge
Link to Naomi’s film:
The amphitheatre life drawing room was completely unique to the college, but there was a chance that it would be taken down. Not only was our performance piece college work, but a protest to this.
1. A ceramic or metal container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures.
Rooms (and objects) have a certain energy that is left by people who have used their energy to create things in there.
2. A situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new.
The fact that the piece will force us to endure 3 hours is arguably the most severe trial that either of us have done for art. And in our case, the different elements are different mediums which will be combined on ourselves.
3. Late middle English: from medical Latin crucibulum ‘night lamp, crucible’ (perhaps originally a lamp hanging in front of a crucifix), from Latin crux, cruc- ‘cross’.
Regarding the ‘cross’ - we will transform the amphitheatre into a liminal space, a threshold where we test our own boundaries together and develop a nexus that we can use as a departure point.
Naomi's words: "Crucible was a three hour performance collaboration between artists Kiera Harmer (ig: shlongarms) and Naomi Bembridge (ig: naomibem). A trial to which we had zero intentions that naturally progressed during the time frame."